Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the month “February, 2019”

Day the Music Died in Korea

DKDKTV reflects back on an event in 2005 that killed off an entire generation of musicians, involving two indie artists who got carried away and gyrated nude on live TV. This is the worst day in Korean music history. Viewer discretion is advised.

Incel Patrol

A dark delve into Tinder’s thirstiest losers. More fro Paul Joseph Watson.

Your Girlfriend Is A Toddler

How do you cope when your girlfriend lives as a toddler? Barbara4U2C introduces us to a 20-year-old who still pictures herself in diapers. Says Barbara, “I’ve now seen it all. I think. I hope.”

Big Bad Don

The battle song of QAnon. Just remember: We’ve got God on OUR SIDE and He’s playing His #TrumpCard! Big Bad Don!

Ellen Page

Mr. Reagan interviews the perpetual adolescent Ellen Page.

Hogging the news these days, Ellen Page also has attacked the actor Chris Pratt. His crime? He’s been attending a church that triggers the sensitive Ms. Page. Apparently, it’s not one of the churches furling an LBQT banner outside its steeple. There are plenty of churches that have gone down that slippery road these days. More than enough for Ms. Page to shut up and allow Chris Pratt to attend the church of his choice.

Debunkers Vs. Medicare For All

Robert Reich’s Medicare for All baloney gets debunked. From FreedomToons.

The Race-Baiting Morons

Reparations! The Democratic, race-baiting morons are already winding up to full steam. Both Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.,  and Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., are promising reparations to descendants of former slaves. It’s sad that these candidates don’t understand the Constitution. Styxhexenhammer666 has more.

The UFO Cover-Up

Astronaut and ufologist Edgar Mitchell, who piloted the lunar module in Apollo 14 and became the sixth man to walk on the Moon, bluntly states that we are not alone in this universe.

“At the time I went to the Moon, it was the conventional wisdom–both in science and theology–that we are alone in the universe,” Mitchell says. “Because of my openness to these things, I did have many of the old-timers and the military in the intelligence community over the years wanting to get it off their chests before they passed away, and they allowed me to interview them and talk to them about it. So my ideas became well solidified in that we’ve been visited.”

Mitchell says that following World War II, the government came to the conclusion that the UFO phenomenon was alien and opted to deny it and hush it up. The National Security Act of 1947 validated this deception.

The Conundrum Of Time

What exactly is time? Does it really exist? Of course time exists and it unfolds in the universe all around us. But Einstein’s Theory of Relativity complicated matters, stating that time passes for everyone but not at the same rate for people in different situations. Science and science fiction author Andrew Zimmerman Jones examines the properties of time and Einstein’s theory in this episode of Ted-Ed.

Do You Believe in UFOs? presents its countdown of the Top 10 most documented UFO sightings. Among them was the Phoenix Lights incident in 1997, where hundreds of Arizona, Nevada and Mexico residents, including the Arizona governor, witnessed a large v-shaped vehicle cruising through the night sky. The military claimed they were simply flares they had launched, but due to the lights’ precise formation, many were skeptical.

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