Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Alfred Kinsey”

A Bunch Of Flaming Perverts

Did you know that the entire field of psychology was built by pedophiles and perverts? Today, we unpack the disturbing backstories of some of the most revered contributors to the field. Learn about Margaret Sanger, Ernst Gräfenberg, Sigmund Freud, Richard von Krafft-Ebing  and other freaks and creeps.

Plus, the heated debate about the “deadbeat breakdancing dad” and his daughter continues after a new revealing video is released. Here’s more from Candace Owens.

The Man Who Perverted Sex Ed

Why is sex ed so degenerate in the US? Because, the man who pioneered it, Alfred Kinsey, was a pervert bent on spreading his deviancies. What a shock! More from FreedomToons.

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