Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Anthony Faquci”

If One Falls, They All Fall

The [Deep State] is in trouble. Everything they have done or are trying to do is being exposed. Emails were released that show Fauci knew that covid was engineered and funded. That the spread of the virus was not asymptomatic, that there were drugs that would cure it and he explained in his emails that masks do not work. There was no reason for the lockdowns. The [Deep State] is panicking. They don’t know Trump’s next move. The states are leading the charge and the audits will reveal the truth. More from the X22 Report.

Dr. Fauci’s emails have been released, showing he knew the virus was likely bio-engineered, that it escaped from Wuhan, he approved of the deadly gain-of-function research and HE HID HIS TIES to all of it and LIED to Congress. More from Lori Colley.

Thank God for the Arizona Legislature! Due to the coming success of the Maricopa Forensic Audit, the State Legislature of Pennsylvania has sent a delegation to observe the process with the hopes of implementing it there! More from RedPill78.

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