Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “intelligent design”

Intelligent Design, Science & God

Chances are if you’ve heard anything about intelligent design, you’ve heard that it’s faith-based, not science-based. Is that true? Or does modern science, in fact, point us in the direction of a designing intelligence? Stephen Meyer, senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, explains in this edition of PragerU.


Stay the Course

Joe Dan Gorman has served notice in his final Intellectual Froglegs video blog of 2013: He isn’t letting up on the corrupt, elite, mainstream media nor the radical lefties in 2014. In this 2013 finale, Gorman touches on how the media is pushing the gay agenda, Phil Robertson, intelligent design, Christian moral values and a bunch of common sense. Tune in as Joe Dan paves a conservative path into the new year.

Life Takes a Design

Actor Morgan Freeman, who also hosts the Science Channel’s “Through the Wormhole,” has perpetuated the idea that man created God. But ZoNation’s Alfonzo Rachel isn’t buying Freeman’s liberal stance nor the far left’s interpretation of creationism. “Life just doesn’t happen,” says Alfonzo Rachel in his blurb on this video. “It takes a design. And a design takes a designer.” Rachel  goes after Freeman, the far left and evolution in this edition of “ZoNation.”

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