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Archive for the tag “medical corruption”

No Vaccine, No Healthcare

The nightmare that is the Covid-19 pandemic has hit another low point. Whistleblower nurse Erin Olszewski says unvaccinated Americans are now being denied healthcare. Damn the Hippocratic Oath of ethics, historically taken by physicians, in which healthcare providers vow to provide care to anyone no matter the situation.

“This has been going on for the last two years now, Olszewski,” said. “It’s just like the Hippocratic Oath went out the window and we’re no longer treating patients. We’re working with a corrupt pharmaceutical organization, who put profits over patient care.” Infowars Owen Shroyer says not only is the American public taking a hit, but also nurses who refuse the vaccination are getting fired.

Meanwhile, the medical establishment continues its attack on drugs, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, which have proven effective in curing Covid patients. Here’s more with Shroyer and Olszewski.

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