Tag Archives: Opportunity

How We Save Our Nation

We are in what is possibly the final battle for the American way of life, Glenn Beck says. But it’s by no means a physical battle. It’s a spiritual battle against true evil and Beck warns that if we don’t keep it that way, it will be the death of the American experiment.

But as the Left’s tactics grow dirtier, we shouldn’t lose hope. The forces for good are growing stronger every day. Parents are standing up, the mainstream media has some new competition, and whistleblowers are letting the truth be known. Here’s more from Glenn Beck.

A Stunning Panorama Of Mars

In a world first, ElderFox Documentaries presents new footage from Mars in stunning 4K resolution. The footage was captured over the years from the three most successful rovers–Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity, the latter being the only rover still active on Mars. Unfortunately, Spirit and Opportunity succumbed to the Red Planet’s environment. The footage was shot by these rovers from the actual surface of Mars and Team NASA provides informal place names of each shot in the bottom left-hand corner.


Who’s Cleaning Mars Rovers?

The Mars exploration missions launched in 2003, successfully landing two Rovers — Spirit and Opportunity — on the Red Planet. The mission’s objective was to search for clues to past water activity on Mars.

Both Rovers were given an expected lifespan of just 90 days due to the notorious dust storms present on the surface. Spirit lasted an incredible 7 years, surviving until 2010, yet mysteriously, Opportunity is still functioning to this day.

This is due to several cleaning events, which over that last 14 years, have been mysteriously cleaning the Rover’s solar panels. Designed to go offline during the night to save energy, it is during these hours that something, or someone, has been helping to keep our Rovers running. More from Mystery History.

One Conservative View

PJTV contributor Bill Whittle is among the most conservative political commentators and pundits. And he holds his principles true to his heart. In this edition of “Afterburner,” Whittle lays out his Top 5 conservative principles in descending order, which include: 5. Individuality; 4. Guns; 3. Equality of Opportunity; 2. Wealth Creation; and, drum roll please, 1. Freedom/Responsibility.

What’s Right With America

As we celebrate this Labor Day, political pundit Dick Morris says there’s no better country in the world than the USA. “This country is better positioned for the future than any country in the world by far,” Morris says.”The people in this country work a lot harder than in any other country, they’re upwardly mobile and committed to self advancement.”

Morris says many super power wannabes are struggling mightily with no solutions in sight. “We are still predicting very tough times for the United States ahead, both because of the natural rhythms and because of Obama, but bear in mind, this is still the country,” he says.