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Archive for the tag “tax cuts”

Was UK Better Off With Truss?

Conservative political activist Mark Collett tells Patriotic Weekly Review that, in hindsight, former Prime Minister Liz Truss might have been the right choice for the United Kingdom.

Truss, the Conservative Party leader who replaced Boris Johnson, stepped down after serving 50 days in light of a government crisis over her controversial budget proposal. In retrospect, Collett says, that “risky budget” of tax cuts and more money going directly to the British people was a positive for the UK.

“I don’t know if the budget would have worked … but it was actually a budget that was trying to kickstart the economy and funnel money to the British people,” Collett says. In contrast, he says her replacement, Rishi Suhan, is throwing billions of dollars away and not a penny is going to the British people. Here’s more.

Trump Tax Cuts Work

Need any proof that the Trump tax cuts are working? Guess what? Federal revenues are up and the deficit is dropping. Dick Morris explains.

Tax Cuts for Dummies

Do you really need me to explain that saving money is a good thing? Candace Owens weighs in.

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