Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “U.S. President”

The Voices Of Dana Carvey

Dana Carvey marches into the lighter side of life with a multitude of personalities.

The following video, courtesy of Everything Hollywood, features the master impressionist and a compilation of his many voices from the last 25 years, including U.S. Presidents, entertainers and more. In of one his recent performances, Carvey nailed his Al Pacino impression for the first time on TV. Here’s more.

How Super Should One Man Be?

The founding fathers went to enormous trouble trying to find as precise a balance of power as was humanly possible. And they succeeded.

But has Congress abdicated too much authority to the executive branch? Or has the explosion of cabinet-level positions left the President with too little power? And what the heck are a Chief Executive’s proper duties, now that you mention it?

The “”Right Angle” crew of Scott Ott, Bill Whittle and Stephen Green share their thoughts.

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