Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Enbridge Pipeline”

Biden Closing Another Pipeline?

Health Ranger Report’s Mike Adams has learned the Biden Administration is attempting to shut down another oil pipeline in the United States. Republican lawmakers warn that closing the Enbridge Pipeline, in Michigan, might result in fuel-price shocks throughout the Midwest. In the opening days of his administration, President Biden closed the Keystone pipeline.

“They want a surge in fuel prices. They want to create a shortage of fuel,” Adams says. According to the Daily Mail, 13 members of Congress urged the President to keep the pipeline in operation, saying it is essential to the lifeline of the Midwest. Also in this edition of HRR, Adams examines the Satanic implications of the Astroworld concert in Houston and checks out the rumors that California Gov. Gavin Newsom may have contracted Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome, a rare immune-system disorder, after taking the booster shot.

Dems Will Profit From Oil Spill

It appears the wily and corrupt Biden Administration and its cronies are going to profit handsomely from the recent oil spill off the coast of Southern California. The likely source of the spill was a ruptured pipeline at sea bottom that sent 144,000 gallons of oil into the Pacific Ocean.

Riss Flex reports the Biden Administration is now proposing to literally shut down all pipelines in the area, calling it the best solution. “You can’t help but wonder how convenient this is to shut out all competitors to the Biden Administration’s Enbridge Pipeline, which they all hold stock in,” Flex says. She says that if you study the Enbridge infrastructure across the country, it expands across the heartland, the south and east, “All we have now is for the West Coast to be begging for Joe Biden’s pipes.” Here’s more on the story with Flex.

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