Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “gay Superman”

Comic Crash II: DC Death Spiral

DC Comic Books suffers another death spiral: Comic Crash II.

No worries. They can always turn Superman into a pothead mulatto tranny! More from RazorFist.

Los Angeles Under Blackout

Sarge from Icons and Dilara Esengil join Linda Paris in a new edition of McAllister TV. They say massive restructuring is occurring of the DUMBS, or Deep Underground Military Bases, beneath our feet. Also, the Space Force is realigning intergalactic affairs. Here, in the United States, we will come to see the results soon enough.

Look for Washington DC to be abandoned as the American capitol. It is but a hub for a criminal federal government. Hollywood is under a blackout! Likewise, New York will be given a complete makeover.

Linda Paris and her guests discuss many issues, including John Durham’s 320,000 indictments, advanced weapons now visible on the streets of major cities, the New Republic Bank in Reno, Nevada; Alec Baldwin, a gay Superman and a new shapeshifter video.


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