Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “illusion of freedom”

The Illusion Of Freedom

Greg Reese says freedom from tyranny is a dream that has never been fully realized in the civilized world. To bring this thought into perspective, in light of what appears to be another Democrat steal in the midterms, he says it’s safe to say that America has never had an honest, fair election.

Reese takes a comprehensive look at the history of voter fraud in our country, including a new form introduced by President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s, which was embraced by both parties for years to come. It entailed the simple technique of waiting until the end and then stuffing the ballot boxes with however many votes needed to win. Here’s his report.

Symbolism Behind Squid Game

Revelation of the method. More from Paul Joseph Watson.

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