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Archive for the tag “Jimmy Corsetti”

Atlantis Is In The Sahara!

Independent researcher Jimmy Corsetti tells World Alternative Media (WAM) that more evidence pinpoints the location of  the Lost City of Atlantis at the site of the Richat Structure in Mauritania, Africa, in the Sahara Desert.

Crosetti says the plethora of similarities between Plato’s story of the lost ancient civilization of Atlantis and the site of the Richat Structure, near the Atlas Mountains, is uncanny. WAM’s Josh Sigurdson reports that the evidence is clear. “While the Richat Structure isn’t 100 percent Atlantis, it is clearly the most likely site on Earth for the cursed empire,” he says. Here’s more.

You Must Prepare Now

THIS is how you know it’s happening. Mark my words – this is imminent, no matter how much we don’t want it to be. And this is how you should immediately prepare, because you absolutely want to get ahead of this before the masses do. More from Jimmy Corsetti on Bright Insights.

Mysteries Of The Ancients

The mysteries and anomalies of our ancient past continue to tug at our curiosity, even after hundreds of years and countless research.

Bright Insight’s Jimmy Corsetti says that to this day, no one can understand how the massive megalithic stone structures of South America could have been cut, carved, moved and lifted with the tooling of that period. He focuses on the Inca site of Ollantaytambo, located at a height of 9,160 feet in the Peruvian Andes, which feature six 50-ton stone slabs comprising a wall. Here’s more.

Economic Doom Is Here

Bright Insight’s Jimmy Corsetti warns that the dire economic forecasts for the planet are actually happening. He says the cost of everything is going to skyrocket far more than it already has and there are going to be food shortages worldwide, the likes of which are going to be horrifying.

“It’s already happening. It’s a mathematical certainty and it’s going to affect everyone,” he says. He digs into why this is happening and more.

Ancient Egypt’s Technology

An off-centered saw-cut in a huge, discarded stone box might well be proof that the ancient Egyptians possessed more than the common tools of the day.

Says Bright Insight’s Jimmy Corsetti, “This is just one piece of evidence that illustrates that we truly have no idea how the Egyptians cut and carved massive granite stone. And the bizarre reality is that they had to have possessed some unknown form of lost ancient technology.” Here’s Corsetti’s report.

Atlantis Site Confirmed

Bright Side’s Jimmy Corsetti says the Richat Structure, or The Eye of Africa, is most likely the location of the lost city of Atlantis. He says new evidence has surfaced, making so compelling a case that the confirmation is definite. Tune in as Corsetti connects the dots.

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