Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Mattias Desmet”

Leaving Mass Formation Behind

Mattias Desmet is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium. His theory of mass formation during the coronavirus crisis has become widely known and widely misunderstood since gaining mainstream attention.

His new book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, lays out what mass formation is, how it develops, how it leads to totalitarianism, and what we must do to change the conditions that makes these mass formation events possible. More from The Corbett Report.


Mass Formation Psychosis

We are living in an age of mass formation or as I would call it, Mass Hysteria. How did authorities use this to create supporters for medical tyranny? In this video, I expand on the theory of Mattias Desmet and explain exactly how it happened. More from Amazing Polly.

Does it sometimes feel like you’re surrounded by people who’ve been hypnotized in some way? Well, maybe you are. My guest is Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, and his observations over the past 18 months have led him to conclude that the overwhelming majority have indeed fallen under a kind of spell.

Except it’s not actually a spell, of course: the term for it is ‘mass formation’ and right now it’s manifesting as a psychological response — not unlike hypnosis — to the unrelenting, single-focus campaign of fear to which we have all been subjected.

Join me when I will explore with Mattias what triggers and sustains this mass response, where it could ultimately lead us, why a minority somehow manages to remain unaffected, and whether there’s anything we can collectively do to break the spell before it’s too late. More from Dan Astin-Gregory.

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