Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Rocky Mountain Institute”

Feds Want To Ban Gas Stoves

Thanks to a new ‘study,’ the Biden Administration now is considering a gas stove ban throughout America. Why?

Because your gas stove — or really, any gas connection in your house — apparently causes pollution inside your home which, allegedly, has been ‘linked’ to asthma in ‘some’ children. But if you think this possible gas stove ban is really about the health and safety of our children, think again.

In this clip, Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere discuss what they believe are the TRUE reasons behind such a move, which will only further our energy crisis even more.

Who’s behind the Democrats’ new push to ban gasoline stoves? Would you believe: A Boulder, Colorado-based institution, the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), that’s a partner of the World Economic Forum? Yes, the Mother Weffers are shaking their rancid tail feathers once again.

The RMI isn’t some non-partial group, but states in its mission statement that it’s pushing “for the conversion of (natural) gas to electric.” More from Jordan Sather.

Celebrities Who Front Globalists

Why was Richard Branson meeting with Ukraine president Zelensky? I have a very dark hypothesis . Get ready for a rollercoaster ride! More from Amazing Polly.

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