Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “threat to democracy”

Americans See Media As ‘Threat’

An overwhelming majority of Americans view the media as a threat to democracy. That’s from a supposedly reliable source — a poll commissioned by The New York Times.

The poll found 59 percent of Americans consider the fake news “a major threat to democracy,” while another 25 percent consider the media as a minor threat. Only 15 percent put forth the so-called “journalists” as no threat at all.

Meanwhile, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes says that Biden has to make certain decisions to “Save Democracy” while another NBC News anchor learns the phrase “autocratic.” More from Robert Gouveia, Esquire.

We have seen solid evidence that Hispanics are abandoning the Democratic Party in droves. There also have been rumblings of discontent among blacks, particularly black men. Now, another major Democratic constituency is becoming splintered.

A new poll, again partially conducted on behalf of The New York Times,  found that independent women also have had enough with the Democrats’ extreme radicalism. Steve Turley relates the specifics and shares his take on what it means.


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