Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “transfusions”

The Elixir Of Life

The elixir of life, or what alchemists call the philosopher’s stone, has many names and allegedly cures any disease, granting the drinker immortality. This fountain of youth was sought after by many cultures through the ages and is mentioned in various ancient works. Here, Robert Sepehr delves into aphrodisiacs, like oysters, as well as more rarified substances, including human blood. Sepehr is an author and anthropologist.


Vampirism In Silicon Valley

Alex Jones was right again. Silicon Valley is using kid blood to slow aging. The transfusions aren’t always natural, either. There are hints of a dark vampirism that exists in Silicon Valley just as it does in Hollywood. More from The Salty Cracker.


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