Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “UN”

Tigers Vs. Tigers

President Donald Trump received a thunderous applause at the Tigers vs. Tigers NCAA college football national championship in the New Orleans Superdome. The LSU Tigers won the title and held on to their No. 1 ranking by beating back the Clemson Tigers 42-25. Meanwhile, in San Antonio, Texas, Democratic Presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg hauled out Judge Judy Scheindlin in his quest to rattle Trump. Sit Patrick Mack covers these news snippets while diving into a weightier issue — child pornography in this edition of In Pursuit of Truth.

The [Deep State] feels the patriots closing in. They are now taking precautions to protect what they have done in Ukraine and Iran. This has already failed. The patriots have all the information. This was planned long ago. The [DS] is using the same tactics as before. Russia hacked into Burisma, and it just like the DNC hack. Assange is the key. The patriots have the source. The [DS] coverup plan failed before it was implemented. More from the X22 Report.

Woke sheep are fighting corruption worldwide. It certainly appears President Donald Trump is getting stronger. We are nearing a breaking point as the Globalists lose their grip. More from Lori Colley.

We have some scary video to share of one of those mysterious white vans that’s allegedly being used to kidnap women and children all over the east coast and southern United States — and Adam Carolla puts climate change activist Jane Fonda in her place, but misses the big picture behind the hysteria: UN Agenda 2030. More from the SGTReport.

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