Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the month “July, 2012”

Rapper Gives Boycott the Bird

Gay rapper Antoine Dodson says no one can stop him from eating at Chick-Fil-A. “I’m so tired of people from the gay community telling where I can/should eat at,” he says. “I’m so grown and do what I want when I want like eating at Chick-Fil-A.”

Seems like a healthy, independent attitude. Can’t say the same about the thuggish posturing by two mayors, Chicago’s Rahm Emanuel and Boston’s Tom Menino, threatening to veto Chick-Fil-A building permits in support of a gay boycott against the restaurant chain. If Emanuel and Menino want to walk a picket line or eat squid every day till the cows come home, they’re welcome to do so.

But they have moved well beyond the bully pulpit when they intimate they’re entitled, or empowered, to jerry-rig local building codes to wipe out those who hold differing political views. That’s not only a gross abuse of their authority, but also treading into quite illegal and dangerously un-American territory.

For the record, the contributors to Call Me Stormy are divided on the issue of gay marriage — some supporting it, others opposed. Regardless of where we stand on that topic, none of us want to see our greater constitutional rights eroded, and certainly not trampled upon by two-bit tinhorns like Emanuel and Menino. H/T Ironic Surrealism

Coils and Recoils

The female form — in recoil. H/T Russia’s ROFLTV

The Meme That Got Overbuilt

Remember when President Obama said, “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

Well, now we know he was recycling a talk previously given by Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic Senate candidate from Massachusetts who notoriously lied about having a Native American ancestry to advance her career as a professor at Harvard Law School.

But Warren didn’t invent this meme, either. Turns out she cribbed it from University of California at Berkeley professor George Lakoff, author of the 2004 book Don’t Think of an Elephant!: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate– The Essential Guide for Progressives.

The moral here: No matter how much Obama squirms, fudges and denies the intent of his rhetoric, it was no gaffe, but rather a smug, overbuilt meme, hatched in the bowels of academia, and aimed at furthering the Democratic Party’s incendiary class warfare.  Come November, remember to pin this progressive “tall tale” on the donkeys. H/T Legal Insurrection


Why use nasty pesticides when it’s more fun to zap flies with Bug-A-Salt? H/T American Digest

Nannies Escalate War on Soda

Channeling New York’s Nanny Mayor Michael Bloomberg, U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Connecticut, has now called for imposing a national sales tax on sodas and 10-percent fruit drinks, supposedly as a means to force poor people to improve their dietary habits. How long before DeLauro wages war on Little Debbie Nutty Bars? Can she resist slapping a surcharge on Ruffles? Or breaking off a piece of every Kit Kat for the federal bureaucracy?

Back in 2009, Jackie and Dunlap from warned us to beware of what lie ahead as Washington stepped up its war on soda, booze, cigarettes, junk food and, yes, poor, underage Little Debbie.

The Reducer Ray

We continue with Columbia Pictures’ original 15-part series from 1948 introducing Superman, the Man of Steel. On tap today, Chapter 3, The Reducer Ray.   Please look under the category, Saturday Matinees, to view the first two chapters.

The (Secret) City of London

Did you know that The City of London is not the city named London? Or that both exist in a country within a country? In celebration of today’s Olympics launch, we present C.P.G. Grey’s video outlining the convoluted, but fascinating history of the two Londons and how their fates came to be intertwined. H/T American Digest

How Washington Got Game

After video gaming came into vogue in the 1990s, industry leaders were summoned to Washington, facing charges of promoting violence, sexism, racism and worse — crimes against humanity. But then a funny thing happened: As video games became ever more popular, brutal and artistic, violent crime in America declined precipitously. Reason.TV traces the evolving attitudes toward gaming through the prism of the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s exhibit The Art of Video Games, a clear sign that official Washington has finally learned to love Pac-Man, Super Mario Brothers and their digital spawn.

Blood From The Mummy’s Tomb

In honor of the Olympics opening in London, today’s Trillion Dollar Movie is Blood from the Mummy’s Tomb, the most original of the four mummy movies produced by that bastion of British cinema, Hammer Films. The 1971 release is adapted from Bram Stoker’s novel Jewel of the Seven Stars, which also served as the source for The Awakening, starring Charlton Heston.

Valerie Leon

Blood from the Mummy’s Tomb differs markedly from your run-of-the-mill mummy movie, starting with the title character, the Egyptian sorceress Queen Tera. She’s never wrapped in linen swathings, but instead wears a trifling, chain-metal outfit even more revealing than Princess Leia’s bikini. All the better to show off the voluptuous charms of Valerie Leon, a James Bond Girl from The Spy Who Loved Me, who plays dual roles as Tera and as Margaret Fuchs, an Egyptologist’s daughter possessed by the evil spirit of the sorceress. One note: Leon did have a nudity clause, though, so in the fleeting scene where you catch a flash of Margaret’s tush, that’s a body double!

It’s an elaborate thriller, full of star-crossed secret cults, madmen, some blood-tingling gore and even hints of incestuous necrophilia. Peter Cushing originally was supposed to play Professor Fuchs, but left the cast after his longtime wife died. Misfortune struck again when director Seth Holt succumbed to a heart attack a week before the production wrapped.  Perhaps the film should have been renamed Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb, but it holds together quite well, even after all the setbacks. Enjoy, and return next Friday for another Trillion ($) Movie.

UPDATE: The full movie has been removed from YouTube. Until or unless it’s reposted, here is the trailer.

My Little Brony

Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle encounter a Cheetos-munching brony, much to their chagrin. H/T CollegeHumor

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