Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “diamonds”

Massive Global Shift In Power

Although it has yet to be reported widely in the West, Germany is now taking concrete steps to re-align with the Russians and Chinese, as well as their Asian and African allies, in establishing a new world order. The change comes as the Rothschilds are losing their grip over control of the European superpowers. France and Great Britain also are slipping, leaving the United States and Canada as the last of the superpowers holding to the old line.

That’s the assessment of geopolitical analyst Benjamin Fulford, who says the world is undergoing a sea change, yet the fake news continues to ignore the changes and refuses to cover them. Fulford, a Canadian investigative reporter living in Japan, shares his assessment with Mel K. He touches on a number of topics, including the precarious state of the diamond trade now that diamonds can be created artificially and no longer need to be mined.

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India Seeks Sparkling Future

India is the world’s biggest processor of diamonds, polishing and cutting nearly 11 out of every 12 diamonds sold. But now the subcontinent wants to become a trading hub for rough diamonds as well, and in the process cut diamond-trading centers like Tel Aviv and Antwerp out of the business.

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