Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “human genome”

Classified Worship Intelligence

Riss Flex digs into the bizarre, highly-classified area surrounding worship intelligence.

The video features clips of UFO engineer Bob Lazar, who inadvertently came across a classified government document, inches thick, regarding religion; a revelation from reputable journalist Billy Carson, who claims the Anunnaki alien race inserted a worship gene into the human genome nearly 200,000 years ago; and Australian investigative journalist Ross Coulthart, who says huge, hidden UFO ships, so large that buildings were built around them, are being studied–in of all places–beneath venues of worship. Here’s more from Flex, and please judge the material for yourself.

Juan O. Savin: Trump 777

Juan O. Savin joins the Psych Club and host Tom Sidney Bushnell, aka Tom Numbers, to discuss the numerology behind Donald J. Trump.

Savin says Trump’s first day in office was his 70th year, 7th month, 7th day alive on Planet Earth. “777 is his brand. It’s a theme that we see repeating itself over and over, when you look at his numbers,” Savin says.

He explains the significance of the brand and delves into a variety of topics, including the U.S. connection to 54 biolabs in Ukraine, where they conducted local bioweapon experiments on the Slavic people. He also discusses human and animal cloning,  global warming and the Trump arrest, plus more.

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