Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “impeachement”

They Never Thought She’d Lose

They never thought she would lose. That’s why they will all lose now.

Evidence continues to mount that not only the CIA and FBI, but also the other Five Eyes foreign intelligence agencies — run by Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand — conducted illegal spying on former President Donald Trump. All at the behest of Barack Obama and his corrupt CIA Director John Brennan.

Now, Obama, his demented crony Joe Biden and all of these treasonous agencies stand to lose. To understand the drift, follow the Pen!

Also in this video, Mike Johnson and the U.S. House have now stuck hard by narrowly pushing through impeachment for Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas. Storms are brewing. Pray! Here’s more from And We Know.

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