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Archive for the tag “judicial review”

Juan O. Savin: Shifting Tide

The Supreme Court’s decision to deny the Brunson v. Alma case a judicial review was a bummer for many patriots, but the march toward justice is not over, says Juan O. Savin.

Savin emphasized that he opined on many alternative channel interviews that the likelihood of SCOTUS hearing the case was very low, but says that doesn’t mean it’s zero. “There’s more to come on that, on several fronts,” Savin says. “We’re not done by a longshot. There is up to five appeals and we have another case that’s in the wings, also.” He explains further, plus brings more intel.

SCOTUS Rejects Brunson Case

The U.S. Supreme Court denied certiorari (judicial review of lower court decision) to the Brunson v. Alma Adams case, regarding alleged Constitutional irregularities by Congress in certifying the 2020 presidential election. The case named the members of Congress who failed to vote against the 10-day audit of the 2020 presidential election as defendants.

Kek-Check News reports the ruling means the lower court’s ruling that the Brunson case did not have standing (cause to stand before the court) and that sovereign immunity does protect Congressional members and the president was affirmed in an unannounced order by SCOTUS. He says there is a similar case pending in the lower courts, but will more than likely face the same roadblock. Here’s more.

Brunson Case Decision Today

What’s next for the Brunson case at the Supreme Court? GHard_Joe says that after meeting on Jan. 6 and combing through 419 cases–including the Brunson case–that filed for writ of certiorari (judicial review of a lower court decision), SCOTUS will reveal its decision on which cases it will hear today.

GHard_Joe says the Supremes will review the cases based on whether or not the lower courts made a legal mistake on standing or sovereign immunity. The Brunson case challenges the validity of the 2020 presidential election, arguing Congress failed to honor its Constitutional duty to investigate alleged foreign interference before certifying the results. GHard_Joe explains further.


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