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Archive for the tag “Mayans”

Ancient Mayan Cities Found

Researchers from the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts have uncovered a pair of gems in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Archaeologists unearthed the ancient Mayan city of Tamchen, deep in the Yucatan jungle, then rediscovered Lagunita nearby. Lagunita was originally discovered in the 1970s but its exact location was never recorded. Joe Bereta and Trisha Hershberger dish out the details in this edition of SourceFed.

Christmas with the Maya

The extinct stone-age culture got the dates wrong — who saw that coming? Ol’ Pluggsy is on the job; more or less. And guess who’s coming for the guns? All this — plus — remedial pirate geography as Ben Crystal presents The Great Eight for Personal Liberty Digest.

Mayans Monitor Sun from Cave

The Mayan calendar might not have been precise in predicting the world of the world, but the Maya certainly took astronomy seriously as a cornerstone to their religious beliefs. In a cave in Mexico’s Yucatán, a National Geographic explorer reveals what is believed to have been an underground observatory for witnessing the zenith passage of the sun.

Putin Laughs Off Doomsday

As frenzied doomsayers around the world prepare for the apocalypse sometime today, Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed the Mayan prediction as a hoax, saying at a yearly Q&A that the earth won’t end for another 4.5 billion years, when the sun goes out.

Fist Pumping in Michigan

This just in…During protests in Michigan last week, a pro-union protester punched Fox News contributor Steven Crowder in the mouth. “But as the liberal media reported it, conservative Steven Crowder hit a union worker in the fist with his face,” says Jodi Miller. She also opines about Hugo Chavez, the Mayan calendar and Quentin Tarantino’s new film Django Unchained in this edition of NewsBusted.


NASA Says We’re Safe

December 21, doomsday on the Mayan calendar, is just around the corner, but NASA says folks need not worry about the world coming to an end. The space agency has released a video explaining the Mayan calendar and why the Earth is safe from rogue planets, solar flares and other imagined calamities. Watch the video now to learn why NASA says you’ll be here Dec. 22 to view it again!

Ahead: The Mayan Fiscal Cliff

This just in…Fear is building over the end of the world on December 21. “Or, as it’s also called, the Mayan Fiscal Cliff,” says Jodi Miller. She also opines about Speaker John Boehner, same-sex marriage and Michelle Obama’s Grammy nomination in this edition of NewsBusted.

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