Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “roads”

Joe Biden: The Fentanyl Pusher

We realize a few days have passed since Joe Biden’s dreadful State of the Union address. Still, if you haven’t seen it, you ought to watch Tucker Carlson’s response.

Unlike the bought-and-sold leftists who appear nightly on the fake news outlets, Carlson eloquently addresses the many abject failures in Biden’s speech — failures that mirror the lackluster performance of his presidency.

Nowhere does Biden address the fentanyl epidemic. The broken banks and economic system. Our failing schools. The pot-holed streets or the cities that are decaying before our eyes. All he does is slur former President Donald Trump and attack MAGA.

The saddest part of the speech? Biden is basically reading the same speech he’s delivered for a couple of years now, with few changes or additions. He’s not just a senile, doddering fool, but he’s plagiarizing his own decrepit work. Here’s more from Mark Dice.

Racist Roads

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says even the roadways are racist in America. Can you spot the racism in a road? Take this quiz to find out! More from The Babylon Bee.

Pound By The Mile

What the Democrats are calling their new “infrastucture” bill has little, if anything, to do with traditional infrastructure like new roads or improved bridges. Instead the bill is full of new taxing loopholes so the Democrats can charge you more taxes for every mile you travel. They also want to put cameras into new cars so they can record you if you are driving drunk. More from The Salty Cracker.

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