Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Vannevar Bush”

Exotic Tech & Dead Presidents

In this fascinating documentary presentation, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt is interviewed by X-Series Host Kellsey Forest on the mystery of Apotheum: a Reality Distortion Physics (RDP) and its connection with the UFO File Wars that have been playing out in Secret Government circles for over seventy five years!

In this explosive breakthrough presentation, Dark Journalist reveals how a covert aerospace group that oversees UFO Secrecy and a Secret Space Program that he refers to as X-Protect has been involved in suppressing the truth around exotic technology. He reveals that the extracted materials from crash retrieval programs include a highly unstable Apotheum effect that creates a Reality Distortion Field that UFO Contactees have described, including time displacement and de-materialization.

Dark Journalist connects the dots of the struggle of X-Protect vs. X-Share, another group involved in studying the Apotheum effects of UFO crash retrieval exotic technology. X-Share has been working to bring the entire program out from the wall of secrecy imposed by the X-Protect group and includes members like scientists Thomas Townsend Brown and Professor John Trump. DJ has revealed that Professor Trump was the protege of MJ12 leader Vannevar Bush and that Bush sent him in to study the inventor Nikola Tesla’s papers on the Death Ray.

A terrifying process has unfolded over the decades including the control and even assassination of Presidents who have challenged the authority of X-Protect in relation to the UFO File. President Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 was the direct result of his challenge to the X-Protect group and his attempt to pull the exotic technology control back under the auspices of the Executive Branch.

Predicting The Future

With the current acceleration of innovation making what was unthinkable just a few years ago possible, it’s a little easier to imagine what the future may hold than ever before. But in the past this was a great deal harder. In the following video, Cold Fusion features six visionaries that saw our modern life, including Nikola Tesla, who foresaw smart phones and the internet.

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