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Archive for the tag “X-Protect”

Exotic Tech & Dead Presidents

In this fascinating documentary presentation, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt is interviewed by X-Series Host Kellsey Forest on the mystery of Apotheum: a Reality Distortion Physics (RDP) and its connection with the UFO File Wars that have been playing out in Secret Government circles for over seventy five years!

In this explosive breakthrough presentation, Dark Journalist reveals how a covert aerospace group that oversees UFO Secrecy and a Secret Space Program that he refers to as X-Protect has been involved in suppressing the truth around exotic technology. He reveals that the extracted materials from crash retrieval programs include a highly unstable Apotheum effect that creates a Reality Distortion Field that UFO Contactees have described, including time displacement and de-materialization.

Dark Journalist connects the dots of the struggle of X-Protect vs. X-Share, another group involved in studying the Apotheum effects of UFO crash retrieval exotic technology. X-Share has been working to bring the entire program out from the wall of secrecy imposed by the X-Protect group and includes members like scientists Thomas Townsend Brown and Professor John Trump. DJ has revealed that Professor Trump was the protege of MJ12 leader Vannevar Bush and that Bush sent him in to study the inventor Nikola Tesla’s papers on the Death Ray.

A terrifying process has unfolded over the decades including the control and even assassination of Presidents who have challenged the authority of X-Protect in relation to the UFO File. President Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 was the direct result of his challenge to the X-Protect group and his attempt to pull the exotic technology control back under the auspices of the Executive Branch.

The UFO File Deception

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt invites John W. Warner IV back to the show for a Breakthrough interview that covers False CIA UFO Disclosure, Elon Musk Deep State connections, Psychic espionage, the real UFO File and the X-Protect group in the National Security State!

Breakaways In UFO Files War

Join us tonight as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt reveals the shadowy group operating between aerospace defense contractors, covert intelligence operations and corporate America that controls access to the UFO FIle: X-Protect!

DJ shows how the secrets of the Exotic X Technology have been kept behind a wall of secrecy until this period of society when they will be unveiled by the Breakaway Group, breaking back into society to seize emergency powers through Continuity of Government (COG) to fight a false UFO Threat!

The UFO File Patriot Act

John W. Warner IV joins Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt to do a deep dive on his family’s Deep State roots. Warner brings forward more explosive information on the hidden connections of the Mellon family and deep events in history.

He explains that clandestine intelligence structures have kept dramatic leaps in exotic UFO technology behind a lethal Wall of Secrecy (X-Protect). Warner asks the question: Can the X-Technology inside the UFO File be made accessible to the world? This is a special part 2 of the Dark Journalist Interview: Insider Tells All! We ran Part One on Sunday.

The UFO File Wars

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on CIA Attempts to create a UFO Threat Narrative in Senate Intelligence Hearings on UFOS!

UFO NeoCons

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on the real story of Government manipulation of the UFO File and the CIA Neocons that are positioning themselves to control the UFO Threat narrative in 2022 and Presidential Election of 2024!


Secret Space Shock! UFO Threat!

UFO threat of Deep Space Fake? The Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt explores the chicanery being used by the US federal government and its Deep State agents to camouflage it own secret space initiatives. He goes deep on the real story of UFOs and moves by all covert sides to control the narrative going into 2022.

The UFO File War, X-Protect

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on the real story of UFOs and moves by all covert sides to control the narrative going into 2022. DJ takes us from 1947 through 2021 and into the investigation of New Orleans DA Jim Garrison who in 1967 came directly in contact with X-Protect, a covert intelligence aerospace arm that controls the UFO File, Kenneth Arnold., the pilot who first observed UFOs, and Fred Krisman, a “Boeing Assassin” who had been involved in the first major UFO Case of Maury Island!

Years Of CIA Deep State Lies

Here is a three-part X-Series special from the Dark Journalist, exploring the many lies and obfuscations of the CIA, and its covert involvement in numerous political assassinations, including the killings of both JFK and Robert Kennedy, as well as Martin Luther King Jr.

Part 1 is a fascinating overview of the Deep State’s role in the JFK Assassination by the man who coined the term: UC Berkeley Professor Peter Dale Scott.

PART 2 is called AGENT OSWALD – THE CIA PATSY. Join Dark Journalist for his classic JFK Assassination documentary of the CIA connections of Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of JFK. Watch the assassination researchers who have uncovered the truth that Oswald was set up to take the fall by the CIA in the Deep State of power, politics and covert ops.

PART 3: X-PROTECT AEROSPACE UFO FILE ASSASSINS. Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents his latest Breakthrough Documentary that uncovers startling information about an unknown group of Secret Aerospace Agents that have manipulated world-changing geopolitical events over the last 70 years to protect the secret of the UFO File.

JFK And X-Protect UFO Files

Here’s a fascinating excerpt from the Dark Journalist’s new documentary X-Protect on the NASA-Nazi Advanced Tech UFO connection to the JFK assassination and CIA psychological warfare secrets. Topics covered include: CIA psychological warfare expert George Joannides, Admiral Bobby Inman, Wernher Von Braun, District Attorney Jim Garrison, Watergate lawyer Douglas Caddy and X-Protect Aerospace assassins.

Here is the 1959 episode of The Twilight Zone mentioned by the Dark Journalist for its veiled references to the X-Project. The episode is called “And When The Sky Was Opened,” and introduces us to three astronauts (played by Rod Taylor, Jim Hutton and Charles Aidman) who return from a mission in a new, supersonic space craft. After they land in the Mojave Desert, their lives strangely begin to change. Soon, they will face erasure from all existence.

The episode was directed by Douglas Heyes and written by Rod Serling, based on a short story by Richard Matheson. Matheson himself would become a prolific contributor to The Twilight Zone. His sci-fi and fantasy stories have inspired many films, including The Incredible Shrinking Man, Omega Man, I Am Legend and Somewhere In Time.


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