Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Afterburner”

The Democrats’ Racist Past

In this belated (Fourth of July) edition of “Afterburner” on PJTV, host Bill Whittle uncovers the shady and shocking past of the Democratic Party. The Democrats, who revel on blaming the GOP for the Confederate Flag, KKK, Great Depression, segregation, urban decay and harsh marriage laws, are actually the perpetrators themselves. And like Whittle says, “If you don’t believe it, look it up.”

Taming Our Planet

The last few weeks has the planet rumbling on its axis. There was a devastating earthquake in Nepal, more ISIS violence in the Middle East and hoodlums ruling the roost in Garland, Texas, and Baltimore and other American cities. So what do we do? Says Bill Whittle, “What we need to realize, is that after centuries of trying to make kind, sharing noble new people, all we’ve gotten gotten is the death of about 1 or 200,000 million of the old people in the process, and the timeless, implacable eternal enemies of natural disaster and violent people remain.” Tune in to hear Whittle’s solution in this edition of “Afterburner” on PJTV.

One Conservative View

PJTV contributor Bill Whittle is among the most conservative political commentators and pundits. And he holds his principles true to his heart. In this edition of “Afterburner,” Whittle lays out his Top 5 conservative principles in descending order, which include: 5. Individuality; 4. Guns; 3. Equality of Opportunity; 2. Wealth Creation; and, drum roll please, 1. Freedom/Responsibility.

When the Lights Go Out

From washing machines to power saws to our fancy TVs, there’s no doubt today’s America takes its electrical grid for granted. “But what if it was just suddenly lights out,” asks Bill Whittle. “I’m talking about losing the electrical gird, and there’s any number of ways that could happen.” Whittle discusses the scenarios and the dire consequences in this edition of “Afterburner” on PJTV.

America the Beautiful

It wasn’t long out West when thick smog obliterated the view of the majestic San Gabriel Mountains near Los Angeles; the Great Lakes were cesspools of toxic waste and factories belched smoke all across the country. The good news today, is that the smog is gone, the Great Lakes are teeming with fish and America’s skies are practically free of poison. Political commentator Bill Whittle says that despite the bleak issues facing our country, America still is engulfed in the exceptionalism that has made it the greatest nation in the world. Listen to his extraordinary tribute in this unusual episode of “Afterburner.”

The Rich and Poor Get Richer

A recent study on poverty in America by the Heritage Foundation found that the rich are getting richer. But guess what? The poor are getting richer, too. So don’t put too much credence in the annoying rhetoric streaming from the Democrat Party and mainstream media lamenting the struggles of the less fortunate. Bill Whittle says we should be celebrating poor America’s riches, and he has the facts to back it up in this edition of “Afterburner” on PJTV.

America Needs a Challenge

On a pleasantly warm afternoon at Rice University in Houston in 1962, our youthful, brash president challenged America. President John F. Kennedy laid out the country’s plan to put a man on the moon. “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the others things, not because they are easy but because they are hard,” he said. That was 52 years ago. Where have the challenges gone and what do we strive for today? PJTV’s, Bill Whittle says, “Nothing we do is audacious anymore. Everything we hear from this president (Obama), and to be fair, for many, many years before he arrived, is hectoring and prissy and trivial and beneath us.” Check out this edition of “Afterburner” as Whittle eloquently dishes out a mix of passion and intellect.

Technology Alarm

Political pundit Bill Whittle reports that children under the age of 4 are no longer picking up building blocks to play with, but instead are gravitating to iPads and smart phones. Whittle calls this impending addiction a five-alarm fire. “According to an article in Britain’s Telegraph, the dependence on these devices is no longer psychological,” Whittle says. “Extended exposure to iPads and smart phones and all the rest are causing actual physiological damage to the brains of children, young children.” Join the conversation as Whittle explains in this edition of “Afterburner” on PJTV.


UK’s Progressive Atrocity

In the 18th century, Gulliver’s Travels author Jonathan Swift sarcastically called for eating the young to feed the Irish poor. Fast forward to the progressive 21st century and Swift would be horrified to learn that babies aren’t being eaten, but incinerated by the thousands in United Kingdom hospitals. Join Bill Whittle in this edition of PJTV’s “Afterburner” as he rips this modern-day atrocity, a possible prelude to America’s Affordable Care Act.

Destination: Russia

With the world’s eyes on Russia, host of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, the faults of a socialist-based society are more visible than ever. Although liberals hold Mother Russia as the model for a utopian society, mistakes and failures abound. In this edition of “Afterburner” on PJTV, Bill Whittle spells out the differences of the totalitarian state of Russia and the liberty, choice and personal responsibility of the USA. But, Whittle warns, are the policies and tendencies of the current administration driving us toward the Russian way of life?

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