Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Common Core”

Michael Jackson, Where You Be?

Queen marker getting ready to drop? Meghan Markle’s transhuman, clone-thing malfunctions and has a slow-mo moment! Common Core commie pedo-loving demtard teachers trying to teach sex to your kids…Why? Michael Jackson’s clones! Witness protection! Soul-sucking! More from McAllister TV.


Attorney General Bill Barr asks a pertinent question. Why did the agents and hierarchy in the FBI who abused the FISA courts continue down the same path after the 2016 election? They already knew — or should have known — they were committing crimes. Why persist and compound their malfeasance? In Pursuit of Truth goes deep to try to ferret out the skullduggery.

Former President Barack Obama awards a $350 million, no-bid Common Core contract to Pearson Publishing. And Pearson, in return, gives Obama and his wife, Michelle, $65 million to publish their respective memoirs. JustInformed Talk has more scuttlebutt.


Book ‘Em

Q has a couple of brand new posts, taking a look at the corruption involving former President Barack Obama and Pearson Publishing. Pearson owns Penguin Random House, which paid Barack and Michelle Obama $65 million to release their memoirs over the next few years. This followed Obama awarding Pearson Publishing $350 million to create Common Core textbooks.

This month, Pearson announced its CEO was retiring and that it would be selling its stake in Penguin Random House. In Pursuit of Truth examines these closeknit arrangements, particularly the “knickback” angles.

He also looks at the publishing deal that Joe Biden and his wife have with MacMillan, a Disney subsidiary. It’s quite similar to the Obama deal. So surprising. Not!

The [Deep State]/Mainstream Media are spinning stories but they are getting caught up in their lies. They are now blaming each other and pointing fingers. John Solomon tells us to watch [James Comey] and [Andrew McCabe]. Something is about to happen. The Department of Justice wants an extra week for Flynn’s sentencing. Did the Patriots stop a missile launch in North Korea? Reports are strange and the gift was the opposite. Trump sends a message. The movie plot is about to change and the movie will never be the same. More from the X22 Report.

How do they blackmail and control stars? JustInformed Talk gets into the specifics.

Brainwashing Education

The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a massive federal catastrophe coming your way soon. Basically, Common Core is standards-based education reform, or as PJ Media’s Bill Whittle calls it, “Obamacare for education.”

Says Whittle, “And like Obamacare, all of the faults get incorporated into a single point of failure, and then that point fails.” Join Whittle in this edition of “Afterburner,” as he explains how Common Core just advances liberal plans of indoctrination.

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