Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “final battle”

We Are Close To The Precipice

The pressure is on. The [Deep State] is being obliterated by the truth and they don’t know how to stop it. Every time the truth comes out against them, the [Deep State] hits Trump.

But the more they do, the worse it gets for them. We are now approaching the precipice. The swamp is trying to fight back.

Let’s finish what we started. The storm is coming. The military, the people are now behind Trump. This is the final battle and the 2024 election will decide once and for all that the people have the power. Here’s more from the X22 Report.

How We Save Our Nation

We are in what is possibly the final battle for the American way of life, Glenn Beck says. But it’s by no means a physical battle. It’s a spiritual battle against true evil and Beck warns that if we don’t keep it that way, it will be the death of the American experiment.

But as the Left’s tactics grow dirtier, we shouldn’t lose hope. The forces for good are growing stronger every day. Parents are standing up, the mainstream media has some new competition, and whistleblowers are letting the truth be known. Here’s more from Glenn Beck.

Good V. Evil: The Final Battle

Son of Enos reflects on the telltale signs that we are entering the final battle between good versus evil. He says all the dominoes are falling into place and the whole diseased temple is about to come crashing down. The signs are there for those who have eyes to see, who want to know when it’s all going down?

He says people are waking up in record numbers and we’re all seeking justice. “It’s up to us. All these pieces are falling into place,” he says. “But at the end of the day, the plan involves us getting off our asses.” Here’s more.


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