Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “national parks”

Juan O. Savin: Year Of Justice

Juan O. Savin says to beware of the looming federal land grab by the globalists in the next three weeks, where the corrupt elites are scheming to throw federal land assets into corporate trusts that are traded on the open stock exchanges for people to freely and legally bid on.

He says they are eager to push the plan through Congress while puppet President Joe Biden is still in the White House. “This is the biggest scam on the planet going right now and I’m not exaggerating,” Savin says. “It’s about capturing control of Planet Earth with leveraged operation.” He added that this sellout has to stop now before it gains momentum.”

Savin also warns to prepare for the fun and drama headed our way. He says this is going to be a shootout, from John McAfee’s 31 terabytes of data to multiple different angles. “Epstein is not done, WikiLeaks is not done. We’re coming into the Year of Justice,” he says. Here’s more.

Gene Decode! Uncensored!

Gene Decode joins McAllister TV with an uncensored look at the DUMBs. These are the Deep Underground Military Bases, and the deepest of them go way down, reaching toward the center of the Earth!

Many national parks serve as camouflage for these bases. Here, Gene Decode delves into the Green Men! Blood contracts! Vax casualties!

Also, Gene Decode talks about how the Alliance wiped out pages of Facebook’s code! And the Alliance has destroyed the Black Hats’ biggest bases on the frozen continent of Antarctica! Schadenfreude! Auf Wiedersehen, Goonies!

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