Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Paul E. Vallely”

Michael Aquino: Mind Wars!

Let’s meet Michael Aquino, Satanist mind-control expert who used his high-powered strings and connections in the US military to rape and molest children at the Presidio Day Care Center. In 1987, the Army announced it was closing the center following allegations that as many as 60 children were molested there.

How did Aquino get away with it? He was protected by Paul E. Vallely, who worked on mind control projects with Aquino and co-wrote a book with him — From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory. Vallely was a U.S. Army major general and went on to become a senior military analyst for Fox News. In realty, both he and Aquino should be horsewhipped.

Here, McAllister SatanTV outlines how these two rolled, getting away with disgusting crimes.  Also in this episode, we get some new Q crumbs, learn a bit about Satanic Ritual Abuse, and see a newspaper article from the 19th century that outlines different astronomical theories about the Earth, whether its flat or round, and how it receives sunlight or falls into darkness.


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