Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “2022”

2022: Most Traumatizing Events

Here are the most traumatizing news events from 2022! More from Awaken with JP.

Solutions 2022: Year That Was

Another year of #SolutionsWatch has come and gone and so it’s time for James to take a moment to take stock of this year’s episodes. What resonated? What didn’t? What can be applied moving forward? What new developments have taken place? Don’t miss this comprehensive year-in-review edition of Solutions Watch. More from James Corbett on The Corbett Report.

Too Good To Be True

What is going on? The New Year has barely begun, and all of a sudden, the pandemic narrative is over. Politicians are ending the mandates and allowing citizens to breathe again, and fall around freely. Have we averted the crisis, or is this show of relief too good to be true? More from Computing Forever.

Republicans To Retake House

Even the Leftist mainstream media is now admitting: Republicans are highly likely to retake the House in 2022. The only question that remains: Will they win by a slim margin or pull off a stunning blowout that will send the dirty Democrats reeling for the rest of this decade?

Steve Turley believes a blowout is in the making. Several Republican states are due to pick up reapportionment seats in 2022, including Texas, Florida and North Carolina. Also, redistricting is now occurring, further stripping away the Democrats’ holdings.

Turley believes black and Hispanic Democrats won’t be as affected, but as many as half of the Democratic Party’s white representatives will be gone, meaning as much as a 70 to 90 seat reversal in the House.

If so, we’ll dance a jig! Couldn’t happen to bigger jerks! Hope we never have to see the babbling witch Nancy Pelosi ever again!

Mid-Term Defeat Awaits Leftists

A new poll shows the Democrats are headed toward a bloodbath in the 2022 midterm election. Not surprising considering how quickly these leftists have made a shambles out of the country since they “defeated” President Donald Trump. As inflation skyrockets and joblessness expands, people are not inclined to put up with these turkeys any longer. More from Steve Turley.

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