Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “abortion issue”

Dems Turn To Abortion Platform

What to do if you are running a candidate with the worst approval ratings in history? Make the 2024 election about abortion, the one item guaranteed to bring out the Democrat in liberal women all across the country.

Scott Ott thinks we can do a lot better job of presenting the pro-baby side of the story than we have so far. He’s joined by “Right Angle” colleagues Bill Whittle and Stephen Green to discuss the issue.

Court Packing Could End Us

Congressman Mike Lee tells Glenn Beck the recent leak of the Supreme Court’s abortion decision is part of a larger plan by the Left to delegitimize the judicial branch of government.

More succinctly, it’s another move forward to packing the court. If successful, Lee says, the court will become a political arm of the government rather than an arbitrary body to independently determine the meaning of law. Here’s more with Lee and Beck.

Gene Decode: Bluetooth Mystery

Gene Decode says a new Bluetooth app can now extract signals of Mac addresses emitted from dead vaccinated victims in their graves, strong evidence that the vaccines contained more than medicine.

He also tells NVTV host Nicholas Veniamin that the Supreme Court is set to make a huge announcement on Roe v. Wade or the fraudulent 2020 Presidential election, in light of the recently released 2000 Mules film. He says the film proved the manipulation of the election by the Democrat Party and Deep State. As far as the abortion issue, the SCOTUS announcement may serve to explain the court’s decision. Here’s more.

Here’s The Wizard of Oz decode recommended by Gene Decode in the NVTV video.  The movie appears to be a message to expose the banking cartel in America and their deceit and evil lies that have kept us in slavery for generations by creating the U.S. corporation. Video courtesy of the Mystery Chap.


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