Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “fertility”

China Building Super Humans

Why does Communist China’s genetic arms race pose a real threat to the West? Here’s more from Black Pigeon Speaks.

Watermelon: A Cautionary Tale

The Open Scroll does a deep decode of an animated short called Watermelon: A Cautionary Tale. What on the surface appears to be a lark is shown to be a tale of Satanic fertility, involving blood drinking and cannibalism, with references to adrenochrome.

Remember the Triple Tragedy on The Twilight Zone? This was the movie version of The Twilight Zone, produced by Steven Spielberg and directed by Spielberg as well as others, including John Landis. Jamie Dlux recalls the helicopter accident that beheaded actor Vic Morrow and took the lives of two young children as well.

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