Tag Archives: liberty

Americans Taking Red Pill

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Judge Jeanine Pirro about how the lockdown orders from California to New York could be forcing many Americans to take the red pill. Dave discusses his progressive past and why he left the left and if he is considering moving to a red state. Dave discusses how the lockdowns are making people who never cared about politics suddenly realize the importance of liberty, freedom and the dangers of government overreach.

He contrasts the actions of California Governor Gavin Newsom with the less authoritarian decisions of governors like Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Florida Governor Ron Desantis. Dave gives his thoughts on the enormous power that state governors now wield over diverse counties, cities and towns and how far they should be allowed to go to protect public health.


Speakeasies Popping Up Again

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Jeffrey A. Tucker (American Institute for Economic Research) about freedom and liberty in a time of government-imposed shutdown. Jeffrey shares how people are resisting and even defying the government imposed lockdown. In NYC, speakeasies and secret restaurants are beginning to pop up. In a free society people will simply not comply with government edicts that impose on their liberty. He discusses how even during the enlightenment individuals adapted successfully to periods of disease.

Socialism Rising

The press glamorizes and the Democrats push the end of American liberty. More from Andrew Klavan.

I’m a Commie Girl. Yes, it’s the new Billboard hit of 2019, starring Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, along with Sens. Bernie Sanders and Cory Booker. From Solmemes.

Roseanne Barr doesn’t beat around the bush, calling Ocasio-Cortez one of the “bug-eyed bitches.” In less than two minutes, Roseanne schools Alexandria on immigration, Israel, the environment and the evil of being a bug-eyed Socialist bitch.


Remember ‘Liberty Cabbage?’

Remember “freedom fries” and “freedom toast”? Well, it turns out that the Iraq War wasn’t the first time such propaganda nonsense was forced down the throat of the American public. Join James Corbett for this week’s edition of #PropagandaWatch where we learn all about “liberty cabbage” and the other war hysteria that swept the world during WWI…and how it’s still with us today. More from The Corbett Report.

Big Government Not the Answer

Since the beginning of time, it’s a proven fact that the bigger government grows, human freedom and happiness shrinks. In this edition of Prager University, best-selling author Dennis Prager puts it succinctly: “The more government, the more rules. The more rules, the less liberty.” Prager explains that this is not what our Founding Fathers had in mind.

Destination: Russia

With the world’s eyes on Russia, host of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, the faults of a socialist-based society are more visible than ever. Although liberals hold Mother Russia as the model for a utopian society, mistakes and failures abound. In this edition of “Afterburner” on PJTV, Bill Whittle spells out the differences of the totalitarian state of Russia and the liberty, choice and personal responsibility of the USA. But, Whittle warns, are the policies and tendencies of the current administration driving us toward the Russian way of life?

Nutball Scrawls on Painting

A 28-year-old woman associated with the 9/11 Truther movement has defaced Eugene Delacroix’s painting “Liberty Leading the People.” The iconic 1830 work, commemorating the French Revolution, is believed to have served as the inspiration for the Statue of Liberty.

The woman struck while the painting was on loan to the Louvre-Lens Museum, an art museum in northern France that often displays works from the Louvre’s collection. She used a red permanent marker to scrawl a Truther message on the painting. Police apprehended her, but prosecutors have yet to release her identity.

Jail time is too cushy for this vandal. She should be air-dropped into the Sahara, wherever the Jihadi insurgents are now holed up, and forced to fend for herself among her own kind.