Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Adapt2030”

More Chaos Will Define 2024

Mike Adams says many events are aligning to shape 2024 to be the most difficult year of our lifetimes.

One of those events–the banning of travel through the Red Sea, including the Suez Canal, by the six largest shipping container companies–is a move that could well cripple commerce across the planet.

Adams welcomes David DuByne, of Adapt2030, to discuss the impending chaos in the Middle East, as well as global food shortages, solar minimums, agricultural production and climate change.

Crop Yields Down Planetwide

Crop yields are dropping across the planet. But there is a silver lining for the farming sector. Farmers will remain in demand. In fact, farmers will be one of the jobs most resistant to being automated. So if you become a farmer, you can expect plenty of work — and opportunity! Here’s more from Adapt2030.

Depths Of Money

David Dubyne from Adapt2030 draws parallels that connect the sinking of the Titanic and Nikola Tesla with the Oceangate tragedy that just led to the implosion of a submersible tracing the pathway of the Titanic. The Titanic crashed in 1912, the year before the federal income tax was enacted. And now we know this crash was no accident at all, but a case of cold-blooded murder.

The three most influential and richest merchants who opposed the federal income tax — John Jacob Aster, Benjamin Guggenheim and Isidor Strauss — all served as passengers on the maiden voyage of the Titanic, and died when the ship hit an iceberg and sunk. How convenient that J.P. Morgan, the owner of the ship, was scheduled to travel with them but bowed out at the last minute.

Now, A Cooking-Oil Shortage

As if there wasn’t enough chaos in the food supply chain, there now appears to be a global cooking-oil shortage.

Adapt2030 reports that with areas of the western United States and Canada experiencing frost conditions over newly emerging plants, global shortages now include sunflower oil, palm oil, olive oil and canola oil, which will drive already record-high wheat prices even higher. Here’s his report.

The Starvation Cycle

Adapt2030 reports that energy prices are now running sky high across the planet and many events are playing out to explain away global food shortages from now through 2024.

We are seeing Draconian measures in Europe, such as Turkey imposing three days of energy shortages in the counry’s industrial zones. The events in Europe are just the beginning, he says. He adds that our world entered a fertilizer and herbicide shortage that would have reduced global agricultural yield by 12% in 2022, coupled with losses from shifting jet streams from the Grand Solar Minimum. Have we reached a starvation cycle? Here’s more with Adapt 2030.

Agriculture Losses Intensify

With the totals from the U.S. Department of Agriculture as 3% of Spring Wheat planted vs 25% in the 30 year average, and corn at 5% vs 16% for the average and descriptions as “despicable” and a “snail’s pace” for planting along with cold damage and drought across the central U.S. states they have described it as the “most stress” a wheat crop can handle. Adapt2030 has included a full timeline for crop losses moving forward to 2025 and this week’s incredible lack of planting. If this video doesn’t not wake you up, nothing will.

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