Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Dumb”

Military-Base Shenanigans?

Riss Flex reports on the unusual activity surrounding a former underground military base in Fort Wingate, N.M., north of Gallup.

Two Native American tribes, the U.S. Army and the state of New Mexico have finalized plans to restore the former military base, which stored and disposed of explosives and munitions up until 1993, and has since been closed. Flex says the project is being funded from a dormant state environmental fund for the preservation of bluehead sucker fish to the tune of $1.1 million.

Riss says that further complicating the mystery was the state of New Mexico just last year approving the sale of the fully-occupied town of Fort Wingate, including the military installation, to a private owner for $11 million!

So what the hell is going on here? Flex explains, features a couple clips from disappointed area residents and also delves into the state of Utah’s move to revitalize its rail transportation corridor from Salt Lake to Boise, Idaho, and expanding the line all the way to Las Vegas.


So Did He Fire Himself Or What?

Joe Biden — we’ve got three more years to see just how dumb and retarded this fraudulent president can get. More from The United Spot.

MSNBC’S Dumbest Idea Ever?

MSNBC is banging the drum again, arguing that it was white supremacy that defeated the Democrats this week in Virginia. Never mind that Republicans elected the first black woman, Winsome Sears, as the state’s next Lt. Governor!

The voters didn’t elect who MSNBC wanted as governor, so that network berates them. Maybe it’s time MSNBC went back to reporting the news, rather than telling us how to vote! More from Mark Dice.

Kamala 47

She could be dumb. Or maybe just happy. With a shout out to Nirvana from Lars von Retriever.

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