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Archive for the tag “TV game shows”

The Price Is Rising

President Joe Biden hosts an all-new game show where you have to guess how much prices have gone up due to inflation during his pregnancy. Er, presidency. Here’s more from The Babylon Bee.

He Did What?

A TV quiz show asks contestants to name something Joe Biden has done for America? The contestants are hard-pressed to answer, and they include Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and even the old dirtbag himself. More from The United Spot.

80 GaZillion Votes

Here’s a video for those of you who love to play TV game shows. Featuring guest appearance by Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and many others. More from The United Spot.

Funniest Blonde Moments

Blonde women have struggled ad finitum with the stereotype that if you’re gorgeous, chances are you aren’t very bright. Hence the dumb blonde label.  Problem is, the following video on the funniest blonde moments in game-show history on Grim’s Channel, doesn’t do these women any favors. Welcome again to the lighter side of life.

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