Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the month “June, 2015”

Courts to the Rescue

Thank God for the Judicial Branch of our government, which just might turn out to be the determining body in President Obama’s legacy. “There is increasing evidence that the courts are going to do their Constitutional duty and reassert the system of checks and balances and cancel a whole range of the unilateral executive action initiatives that President Obama has made,” says political pundit and commentator Dick Morris. That’s good news from Mr. Morris. In layman’s terms, it means Obama’s arrogance and outright lawlessness will be contained. Tune in to this edition of Dick Morris Reports as he explains.

Taming Our Planet

The last few weeks has the planet rumbling on its axis. There was a devastating earthquake in Nepal, more ISIS violence in the Middle East and hoodlums ruling the roost in Garland, Texas, and Baltimore and other American cities. So what do we do? Says Bill Whittle, “What we need to realize, is that after centuries of trying to make kind, sharing noble new people, all we’ve gotten gotten is the death of about 1 or 200,000 million of the old people in the process, and the timeless, implacable eternal enemies of natural disaster and violent people remain.” Tune in to hear Whittle’s solution in this edition of “Afterburner” on PJTV.

True Conspiracy Theories

What were once terrifying widespread conspiracy theories were actually real events that happened. One such theory in the early 1960s was the U.S. government’s goal to provoke a war with Cuba through nefarious means. America’s top military leaders joined forces to provoke a war that would involve fake acts of terrorism on U.S. soil. Luckily, President Kennedy rejected the idea. Top Trending features nine other conspiracies that were once thought to be fantasy.

Hope Alive For Cancer Cure

After billions of dollars and years of research, why haven’t we found a cure for cancer? SciShow host Hank Green opines, “If every tumor worked the same, we would probably by now have that magic bullet that we need. The trouble is, cancers may look the same on the outside but each one develops differently in their own way and can originate in any type of tissue.” But Green says there’s still hope for progress beyond the traditional chemotherapy and radiation methods.

ABC: The All Bias Network

George Stephanopoulos’ foray into the Clinton Global Foundation proverbial cookie jar continues to haunt ABC News and Democrat darling Hillary Clinton. It was recently disclosed that Stephanopoulos, ABC’s top political correspondent, has donated $75,000 to the Foundation over the years and according to Clinton Cash author Peter Schweizer,  we haven’t even scratched the surface of his involvement. Schweitzer says he’s all in at the Foundation and a featured attendee at many of its events.

First off, it’s a joke to call Stephanopoulos a journalist, much less a political commentator. To be terse, he is and always has been a Clinton and Democrat Party acolyte, nothing more than a political hack. Fox 11 (Los Angeles) anchor and reporter Lauren Sivan and political pundit and comedian Stephen Kruiser join John Phillips to discuss ABC’s plight and whether its acronym really stands for “All Behind Clinton” in this edition of “The Run Down” on PJTV.

Obama Sticking With Strategy

The Wall Street Journal reports the White House is rethinking its strategy to battle ISIS,” Jodi Miller says. “Apparently, President Obama isn’t quite ready to surrender.” Miller goes after Jimmy Carter, MSNBC, 49ers Justin Smith, the Obama Presidential Library and American Idol in this edition of NewsBusted.

Being PC Can Be Terrifying

Pioneer shock-talk radio host Anthony Cumia tells “Info Wars” host Alex Jones that the concept of being politically correct is perhaps the most terrifying form of censorship in our country. For example: The government using the threat of violence from offended Muslims to quell free speech. Says Cumia, “…The progressive left is such a joke to even call them progressive. They’re obviously more totalitarian than anything right now. They have really eliminated freedom of speech through fear. We don’t worry about an agency coming by and really taking our freedom of speech, that’s easy. But when there’s people saying, ‘You can’t say that because it’s offensive, it’s racist, it’s homophobic, it’s misogynistic, that’s when people get petrified.” Cumia elaborates further in this edition of The Alex Jones Channel.

A Method to Their Madness

List 25 documents geniuses who definitely changed the world, but were a bit off their rocker in the process. Take American surgeon William Chester Minor, who is responsible for adding most of the example quotations to the original Oxford English Dictionary. Believe it or not, Minor performed the work while committed to an insane asylum. Check out the 24 other persons with crazy genius.

Should U.S. Police the World?

When the topic of America policing the world comes up, progressives are quick to react. They point to American arrogance, or ask themselves, “Who made the U.S. the boss of the world?” Conservatives, especially those with libertarian leanings, proclaim, “What other countries do to to their neighbors is of no concern of ours.” But what is the alternative, asks Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and foreign affairs expert Bret Stephens. In his book, America in Retreat, Stephens writes, “The order that the U.S. has provided has not only had enormous security benefits for all the world, it has also produced phenomenal economic advantages.” Stephens weighs in some more in this edition of Prager University.

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