Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the month “June, 2015”

The Corrupt Clintons

If you remove one layer of corruption from the Clintons, guess what? You find another, more insidious layer. And another, and another … going back at least three decades. The “Trifecta” crew of Stephen Green, Bill Whittle and Scott Ott discuss how the Clintons are “made out of corruption” in this edition of PJTV.

Obama’s Legacy On the Ropes

President’s Obama’s proverbial legacy may be headed for dire straits. First, a federal appeals court struck down Obama’s executive amnesty action on immigration, then Iran’s Supreme Leader is about to blow up the proposed nuclear accord with the U.S. and now the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, is on the ropes. The U.S. Supreme Court will decide in the next few days whether Obamacare subsidies for health insurance are constitutional. Political commentator Dick Morris says a ruling against Obamacare should send the GOP into a wild celebration, not because so many Americans will lose their health insurance, but the action would all but obliterate a flawed piece of legislation. Listen in as he explains in this edition of Dick Morris Reports.

A Dose Of Nostradamus

Sixteenth-century French scholar Michel de Nostradamus, who studied astrology and various sciences, is on record for predicting the future–and doing it quite accurately. For instance, Nostradamus wrote in his Book of Prophecies that advances in science and telepathy will allow humans one day to communicate with animals. He said this will lead to an upsurge in vegetarianism and many animals will become our brothers. This is one of five amazing Nostradamus predictions for the future as detailed in this edition of Top 5s.

Where’s Reagan’s Hollywood?

Once upon a time, conservative actors such as Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne strolled the red carpet in Hollywood. More recently, Clint Eastwood and Jon Voight upheld traditional values in Tinseltown. Today, we have Matt Damon, Tom Hanks and Michael Moore delivering progressive, left-wing propaganda. So what on Earth happened? Host Bill Whittle welcomes an all-star panel of conservatives, including Alfonzo Rachel, Andrew Klavan, Roger Simon and Dinesh D’Souza, to answer this question in this edition of PJTV.

Obama Practically Jewish

“It’s been reported that President Obama considers himself the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in the Oval Office,” says Jodi Miller. “As a result the president’s close friend Al Sharpton is giving him the cold shoulder.” Miller also showcases, American Pharaoh, Mississippi obesity, Hillary Clinton, FIFA, Caitlyn Jenner and Dennis Rodman in this edition of NewsBusted.

Beware Of Big Unions

Big Oil, Big Pharma and Big Banks can pose alarming threats to America’s economy by striking deals with crooked politicians. But there’s another “Big” you rarely hear about, says Daniel DiSalvo, political science professor at the City College of New York. Big Unions. DiSalvo tells us why Big Unions pose the biggest threat in this edition of Prager University.

Where’s Our Future Technology?

Don’t expect time travel, aka teleporting, to be commonplace anytime soon. Think about how man went from flying across the ocean to landing a man on the moon in 50 years. Since that historic event in 1969, technology hasn’t exactly stayed afloat with our creative minds. Still no flying cars, teleporting from Earth to Mars or zipping through a wormhole. Vsauce2 host Kevin Lieber explains that there are a few problems still to be worked out.

Prez Stuck On Climate Change

While floods were ravaging Oklahoma and Texas last month, President Obama, aka Captain Destruct-O, was back on his climate change soapbox between rounds of golf. Strong evidence says the climate change discourse is theoretical, and political commentator Joe Dan Gorman can’t take it anymore. “We even busted the scientists who got their e-mails where they admit to manipulating the data,” Gorman says. “We’ve proven them wrong … it means nothing; they keep going. This is a ridiculously well-funded global push for all this climate change nonsense.” Gorman also takes on religious freedom, liberal control of the media, American exceptionalism and the threat to free speech in this edition of Intellectual Froglegs.

Bruce Jennercide, Not Courage

The news of Bruce Jenner transforming into Caitlyn Jenner is not only disgusting but is another example of America choosing a Godless path. Oh yea, and Wild Bill isn’t too happy about it either.

In fact, he’s downright livid. “Those who are spiritually and emotionally disabled by liberalism are cheering Bruce Jenner for having the courage to wack off his genitals and start prancing around like a woman,” Wild Bill says. “I don’t think courage is the word for it.” Tune in as Wild Bill sounds off in this edition of Wild Bill for America.

Earth’s Oil Supply Still Plentiful

The doom and gloomers gave the Oil Age an early epitaph in the early 2000s, claiming fossil fuels had run their course and there was no more oil to be pumped on the planet. Fast forward 15 years and there’s oil everywhere. The world pumps 93 million barrels of oil a day and there’s still more than a trillion barrels waiting to be extracted in the Earth’s crust. So will we ever run out of oil? Biologist and science writer Joe Hanson explains in this edition of It’s Okay To Be Smart

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