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Archive for the tag “cyber security”

Our Data Will Be New Currency

In this chilling video, courtesy of Sixth Sense,  a young woman says the new currency will be based on personal data, thanks to the internet. Why? Because our personal data is the new currency.

She says the internet is the beast system. “It has been set up to get you addicted and almost worship it,” she says. “They say our data is running out of spaces to store it, so now, their talking about our DNA to store our data. And everybody’s data will be owned by one corporation.” She added that the internet was invented at CERN and its logo is “666.” She explains further, and please use discernment when watching the video.

FBI Paid Twitter To Censor Us!

Elon Musk just dropped the biggest edition of The Twitter Files yet. The FBI was paying Twitter reimbursements for its costs to censor American citizens!

At last count, the amount of money reimbursed totaled $3.4 million, according to Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. More from The Quartering.

Matt Taibbi releases a new supplemental to Twitter Files 6 that details new conversations between Elvis Chan and Twitter executives about pre-censoring incoming stories. Who is Elvis Chan, and what was his role in prior elections? We learned that Twitter was a natural landing spot for many ex-FBI agents.

Michael Shellenberger releases Twitter Files 7, which details the extensive FBI coverup of the Hunter Biden story prior to the story even being released. We discussed the unconstitutionality of prior restraints and remedies under 18 U.S. Code 241 in prosecuting those who conspire to trample our rights.

More from Robert Gouveia, Esquire.

Thanks to The Twitter Files, we have all seen how Twitter was overtaken by the FBI, its content management and censorship decisions orchestrated by former spooks.  But Twitter was hardly alone.

Facebook, now known as Meta, was an even bigger nest of spies, with a much heavier concentration of ex-agents from the Central Intelligence Agency. Given how many former CIA, FBI and Department of Defense employees work at Meta, it’s not at all surprising that they ran a heavy-handed campaign to silence dissidents and especially anyone critical of the bloated American federal government.

According to an Alan MacLeod piece in MintPress News, ex-spooks are littered up and down the chain of content moderation command at Facebook, blurring the line between Facebook as a private company and Facebook as a partner of the government in silencing inconvenient voices that oppose the dominant establishment narrative.

Here, on The Jimmy Dore Show, Jimmy and comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the dangerous ramifications of having a team of ex-intelligence officers determining what Americans can and can’t see on social media. Much of the focus is on Aaron Berman, who runs Facebook’s misinformation department.

The Future Of Cyberspace

Cyber expert Chuck Brooks says when the internet was created as a DARPA project for communications, cyber security was the least of their worries. Now that everyone is connected, the whole world is vulnerable.

Appearing on the Riss Flex blog, Brooks added that because of the increased risk for sabotage, the next evolution of the internet will be in “smart cities,” where you’ll have most of your urban environments controlled–energy, transportation, security and communications. “The same problem there is that it relies on connectivity,” Brooks says. “And it relies on connectivity that can be hacked.” Here’s more with Brooks and Flex, including questions from viewers.

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