Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “take back the country”

All Three Movies Now Playing

The [Deep State] is getting hit from all sides. Trump is running his campaign on the [Deep State] agenda. This is waking the people up and at the same time making the people pissed off about what they are seeing.

The counterinsurgency is working. The [Deep State] is now being exposed on all fronts: Pedophilia, the open borders, Spygate, etc.  All movies are playing. Once the pedo system is dismantled, the [Deep State] system completely implodes on itself.

Justice is coming. The rule of law will reign over the United States. Here’s more from the X22 Report.

Against All Enemies

The [Deep State] is about to be exposed. The government of the US has been infiltrated and now they will have to make a decision.

When the chaos begins and DC is being attacked and the White House is being stormed, those people in DC and other places will need to remember their oaths. There is only one more year and the people need to see this play out until the end so they can finally vote to take back this country. More from the X22 Report.

The 2020 Election: A Rig Job

The [Deep State] is now on trial. They are going to be in front of the public and the public is going to see the real criminals. Many won’t believe and try to fight it.

Trump will prove the 2020 election was rigged and the people will demand paper ballots. Trump explains the entire plan and that 2024 is going to be the most important election. This will be the time that the people take back the country. More from the X22 Report.

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