Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “teleprompter”

Biden At The Teleprompter

Joe Biden can’t cope with teleprompters. He gets in front of a camera, and his words turn into gibberish. Every time. Here’s the latest: Everyone violating coronavirus mandates will be “risking more desks.”

The Democrats might as well just have the CIA punch a dart into Biden’s butt and put all of us out of his misery! Of course, then the hysterical laughing will really begin. More from Ovation Eddie.

Biden Can’t Read Teleprompter

We’ve all seen how dumb Joe Biden is. He ought to be president of Stink University, not the president of the United States of America! But now, the bumbling idiot is getting so slow-witted he can’t even read a teleprompter covering the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion stimulus grift. More from The Salty Cracker.

Left Fixated On Pedo Agenda

Steven Crowder covers the #BlackLivesMatter riots in Lancaster as well as the atrocious Los Angeles cop ambush. Then he turns to look at Joe Biden’s complete inability to function without a teleprompter. Finally, we have the latest developments in the drama surrounding Netflix’s Cuties and California’s Democratic governor signing a bill to lower penalties for adults who have sex with minors.

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