Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “United Kingston”

Smoke and Mirrors

Now that the Mueller hearing has flopped, what’s the next option available to Democrats? Is there any maneuvering they can do outside of impeachment?  In Pursuit of Truth gets into the options as well as returning to Jeffrey Epstein to look at his associate Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of a British media mogul who owned the pro-Labor Party newspaper, the Daily Mirror.  He died on his yacht, which he had named the Lady Ghislaine. Ghislaine was no shrinking violet. She founded the Kit-Kat Club and befriended many rich and famous individuals, including the Clintons, earning an invitation to Chelsea Clinton’s wedding.

Also covered: How Sabo has turned a billboard advertising the latest Quentin Tarantino movie into an insult aimed at Hollywood’s embrace of pedophiles, including Roman Polanski.

SerialBrain2 returns to explore the secret message behind Ivanka Trump tweeting about the “United Kingston.” The long and short of it: Ivanka Trump and her father, President Donald Trump, exchange a series of tweets that underscore the coming changes in the Caribbean. The American government is not only aware of the ravishes that have occurred against the islands of Jamaica and nations of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, but Americans are ready to apprehend those responsible for these crimes, including molesting, trafficking and killing children. Also, SerialBrain2 offers an update on chemtrails.

Jordan Sather of Destroying the Illusion catches up on the flurry of Q posts. In a jam-packed video, he also delves into the Clinton Body County, connections between Jeffrey Epstein and Disney, UFO disclosures and Area 51, as well as measles.

Todd McMurtry, the attorney for Covington high school student Nick Sandmann, joins SGTReport and Dustin Nemos to discuss a new lawsuit – funded by Nemos – against Google and YouTube for their blatant political bias and censorship of Conservative, Libertarian and Christian free speech. More from SGTReport.

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