Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “pandmeic”

Think Of The World Awakening

Future proves past…enjoy the show. Should the lights go out, know that we are in control. 10 Days of Darkness. The Great Awakening. Military control. We are winning bigly.

The scare tactics of the mainstream media and Democrats are failing. Promises made, promises kept. We are prepared and assets are in place. More from And We Know.

ChristianPatriotNews delves into the Q-posts from 2018 and says we can expect military tribunals to begin soon. How does the [D]epartment of [D]efense deal with terrorists and enemy combatants? The military is the only way, and the tribunals are the military’s chief tool to arrest and try terrorists or enemy combatants.

Look for the Law Of War Manual to come into play. Those charged will be arrested following the unsealing of indictments, and taken to Gitmo for trials.

Also in this edition, ChristianPatriotNews explores The Twitter Files initiated by Elon Musk, the Defense Department’s single largest civilian contractor.

Flight Cancellations Growing

As many as 2,000 flights have been canceled as airline workers stage a walkoff to protest the vaccine mandates. Air traffic control workers seem to be coordinating the walkoffs., but  there were also online rumors of pilots joining the protests. Many different airlines have been effected. More from Vincent James at The Red Elephants.

Here, Tim Pool provides more details. He says Southwest Airlines alone canceled 2,000 flights over the weekend, while other airlines, including Spirit, also saw disruptions. The employees joining the walkoffs are not only tired of the vaccine mandates, they are tired because of the mandates. The reason: Some employees are now gone, so working hours for everyone left have skyrocketed. So workers feel they need a break.

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