Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the month “March, 2014”

Change You Can Step In

The Liberal Philosophy: If you have it, they want it; if you do it, they want to control it; and if they don’t get their way, they’ll whine like children. In this edition of Intellectual Froglegs, Joe Dan Gorman takes liberals to task. “Unlike you liberal fruitbats, we don’t need to sit around waiting for marching orders. Our beliefs don’t change. Now liberal beliefs, ya’ll change like the seasons … You can call us what you want to call us, it don’t matter–conservatives, libertarian, Tea Party. Definitions change and labels change and technology changes, but our core beliefs do not change.”

A Nightmare For Atheists

Back in February, people celebrated “Question Evolution Day,” a day Wild Bill calls “Atheist’s Nightmare Day.” He says, “That’s the day atheists dread. Liberal professors dread that people might actually ask good questions and demand honest answers. Evolution is the No. 1 tool in the world for destroying the faith for people who do not think for themselves.The last thing Atheists for America want is for people to question evolution.”

Cell Phone in the Roaring ’20s

In the DVD’s extras of Charlie Chaplin’s legendary film The Circus, people were given access to photos of the premiere in 1928. Among the photos was a shot of a woman seemingly talking into a cellphone. Skeptics claimed it was just an earphone, but this doesn’t explain why the woman was laughing and talking into the device. Celebrated sci-fi filmmaker George Clarke chimed in, stating this was proof of time travelers. Check out nine other mysterious photos in this edition of Hybrid Librarian.

Breaker, Breaker 1-9

Jodi Miller says Radio Shack is closing more than 1,000 of its stores. “Great! Now where I am going to get an 8-track tape and CB radio?” she says. In this edition of NewsBusted, Miller also features President Obama’s popularity rating, MSNBC’s Alex Witt, Mark Zuckerberg, Senator Dianne Feinstein and Robert Duvall.

Superpower Surrender

First it was President Obama’s apology tour that cast America in a dim light, now the appeasement continues with the announcement that the United States has relinquished its oversight of the Internet manager. Doesn’t matter that we built it and are the most competent country on the planet. “What I fear, is that when it goes into this global mishmash, who has the ability to control, who has the ability to monitor,” says former Arkansas governor and Fox News contributor Mike Huckabee. “I do have fears because of what the NSA has done. I think we all are shocked by the abuse of power. But I’m not sure that the answer to that is to say, ‘let’s give it to some nebulous global world that includes the Russians and the Chinese.'” Huckabee joins the crew from “Fox & Friends” to discuss the turn of events.

Mystery Of the Vanishing Bees

An environmental mystery that has developed over the past decade has scientists completely baffled. During that span, domesticated honeybees have been vanishing at an alarming and unprecedented rate. In the following clip, courtesy of TED-Ed, narrator Derek Gebhart says the phenomenon is now known as Colony Collapse Disorder.

“The most frightening thing about this mystery isn’t that we’ll have to go back to using regular sugar in our tea,” Gebhart says. “We farm bees for their honey, but they also pollinate our crops on an industrial scale, generating over a third of America’s food production this way.”

Sticky Fingers of Government

Financial commentator Peter Schiff says living standards of non-farm American laborers have taken a mighty dip in the last 70 years. Applying the gold standard (real money) and allowing for inflation, Schiff calculated that the average non-farm American worker earned about $140,000 in 1947. Fast forward to today, and that same average has collapsed to $43,000. In this edition of The Peter Schiff Show, Schiff puts the blame squarely on the government. Listen in as he explains.

Watch Your Children

Wild Bill has fired a warning shot: Protect your children from government kidnappers! Wild Bill says that if you’re a conservative, politically active Christian family, beware, your children are in danger. “Liberals need children, lots of children,” he says. “Not just to replace the millions they’ve exterminated, they need children because youngster can be manipulated into believing liberal doctrine.”


Baby Boomers Are Cool, Man

We are the most self-absorbed generation ever. We followed the “Greatest Generation.” We are the generation of sex, drugs and rock and roll. We are the baby boomers. Author-humorist P.J. O’Rourke, who penned The Baby Boom: How It Got That Way, and It Wasn’t My Fault,  joins consumer journalist John Stossel for a candid discussion of the baby boomers in this edition of LibertyPen.

Get Your Nerdjack On

Get ready to roll in the aisles after reading the following nine Urban Dictionary definitions. Among them is nerdjack, defined as dominating conversation with obscure passion. Check out the definitions of sporking, clutch oven, Irish handcuffs and manther in this edition of BuzzFeedVideo. See you next Tuesday here on LOL for another shot of the lighter side of life. — The Wickel

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