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Archive for the tag “Money GPS”

A Tsunami Of Stock Buybacks

Are we are seeing the biggest tsunami of stock buybacks in history? Especially among tech stocks.

Is this a sign that a stock market crash is right around the corner? Let’s follow the money. Here’s more from the Money GPS.

Panic Money Printing

REPO Madness is beginning to make the 2008 financial crisis look like a walk in the park. The FED is backstopping the panic for liquidity in the overnight REPO market with more than $1 Trillion. The panic money printing is happening NOW.Bix Weir discusses with the SGTReport.

The MoneyGPS amplifies on this issue. He says there has been a $1 trillion fed money flood as part of the global economic fallout since 2018. Here, he provides proof.

Why Stocks Are Going Up

Want to know the real reason stocks have been rising in price all this month? The Money GPS spells out the facts.

Here’s another report with a strong economic focus. Bill Holter joins SGTReport to discuss the coming global economic reset, precious metals, and the latest high crimes and misdemeanors of the mockingbird media and deep state criminals who are aligned against President Donald J. Trump.

Bank Runs Are Coming

The Yellow Vests in France are trying to trigger a bank run as a form of a financial protest. The Money GPS discusses why this threat is being made and where it could lead.

Where Are Rich People Moving

Worldwide, there’s been a huge shrinkage in the number of middle-class citizens. And the upper-class, the millionaires, also are moving. Countries attracting more of the wealthy include the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. On the losing side, France, Turkey, China and Brazil. Here, the Money GPS addresses why wealthy people are leaving certain countries and moving to others. Is it because of taxation? Or are there other factors?

Central Banks Own World

The central banks now own most of the world. The Money GPS says the next financial crisis will give them the opportunity to seize the remaining balance of what they don’t already have. Yes, everything is turning Orwellian.

Mass Exodus from Illinois

Every state surrounding Illinois — Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana and Michigan — has experienced population gains over the past six or seven years. Why? Because folks are fleeing Illinois and its outrageous crime and tax increases.

Since the start of the current decade, Illinois has lost nearly 700,000 people. Illinois has dropped to sixth largest state in population, surrendering No. 5 to Pennsylvania. That’s bad news if you live in Illinois, but what’s worse: The trend is accelerating. More from the Money GPS.

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