Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “child rapist”

Gates Facing Life Behind Bars

Bill Gates has already lost his marriage due his friendship with the convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. But The People’s Voice claims that Gates is about to lose a whole lot more, citing unnamed investigators who revealed the globalist billionaire is about to be thrown under the bus and prosecuted on child rape charges.

Gates isn’t the only global elite facing charges. A whole host of household names, including members of the U.S. House and Senate, are currently sweating as the walls close in on them.

Sick Evil Exposed

The mainstream media doubles down on its lies about Hunter Biden. We all are coming to understand the alleged President’s son is one sick, evil crackhead: Not only drawn to pornography but a certified child rapist who would be locked away in prison, except we now have a double-standard of justice in America. JustInformed Talk discusses the Hunter Biden particulars as well as other Deep State coverups and Big Tech’s bloodlust.

Just how despicable is Hunter Biden? Here, Candace Owens discusses his hideous antics with Sean Hannity on Fox News. Hunter Biden’s cracked, crooked teeth are commonplace among heavy crackheads. It would be bad enough for him to be traipsing around with strippers and hookers, but he also has a fiendish taste for pre-teens. Not cool at all! More from Exposing Corruption.

Roman Polanski Accused Again

The disgusting, child-raping friend of Whoopi Goldberg — the disgraced fugitive film director Roman Polanski — has been accused of rape once again, this time by a French actress. Vincent Vendetta covers the charges in his weekend show, which also delves into: Emma Watson, Don Jr. on The View and Brexit (which still hasn’t happened). News Articles include: The Traitor who became a Sir (The Crown & Sir Anthony Blunt). Swedish Government funding Drag Queen Project. Warning! This show may cause snowflakes to melt!

Pressure is building for President Donald Trump to fulfill a campaign promise to crack down on pornography. This follows a new study showing porn not only ruined the patriarchy, but destroyed the West. More from Vincent James of The Red Elephants.


Polanski’s DiNero

We go back in time to review the rape case against filmmaker Roman Polanski for attacking a 13-year-old girl. Simultaneously, Robert DeNiro was also seducing young teens and tweens, and became one of Polanski’s secret benefactors, providing him money for legal support all these years. Jamie Dlux explains.



This Is Who They Are

Q has said, you have to want to know the truth. Because the darker it gets, the harder it is to process. There are demons among us who are capable of atrocities that are unimaginable to a rightly wired mind. Such is the case of Australian child rapist and murderer Peter Scully.

Which causes one to wonder: Is Scully the type of “unspeakable dreg” Andrew Breitbart spoke of when he referred to John Podesta’s involvement in the coverup of such heinous deeds?

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