Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “3D Matrix”

Crime: Organized By Reptilians!

New Christian 21 remix! Disk matrix explained! Full-blood Reptilians can enter your body through your pores! Demons turn to dust inside the Dome! Outside the Dome, demons can mimic hideous, horrible things!

More details on The Flash Event! Life in 5D! New bodies for everyone!

All organized crime is Reptilian! More from McAllister TV.

Flash: What’s Going To Happen?

Christian 21 returns with a military breakdown of the Solar Flash Event! 3-Day Blackout followed by 10 days of darkness! 3D Martial Law! 3D Matrix vs. 5D Enhanced Perceptions! Perfect Bodies!

New Gateways! Galactic protection! People who died from the vaxx are bypassing the Shift! They are waiting for the others to arrive! Positives will help with transports! We’ve already done this before! We’re not on a schedule…We are waiting for them to wake up!

Big questions get big answers! 9-11 was entertainment! Trump stopped child trafficking with covid-tainted adrenochrome! Bush funeral! Over 2.7 million executions already a year ago! Secret “elite” meeting place blown to smithereens! Kissinger executed first…And more from McAllister TV.

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