Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Charlie Manson”

CIA’s Infiltration Of The Media

Project MK-Ultra is the name of a human experimentation program implemented by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) intended to develop procedures that could be used to psychologically manipulate or brainwash individuals or covertly influence unsuspecting populations through the use of the media. Here’s more from Robert Sepehr, author and anthropologist.

Charlie Manson=Jeffrey Epstein

Are Charles Manson and Jeffrey Epstein occupying quite similar roles in American history? Consider these facts.

Both men surrounded themselves with scores of underaged girls. And in both cases, these girls were pimped out to the rich and famous.

Manson sent his girls to bed Hollywood executives as well as those running the recording industry. Epstein set his sights higher. His girls screwed princes and presidents, top scientists, rich, fat-cat industrialists and leaders of the mass media.

There’s ample proof both Manson and Epstein had connections to intelligence agencies, specifically the CIA, but also, in Epstein’s case, Mossad.

Here’s a look at the connections from The Last American Vagabond, drawing upon the recent Tom O’Neill book Chaos: Charles Manson, The CIA and The History of the Sixties.

Epstein: The meme that is taking over the world. You know the meme: Epstein didn’t kill himself. More from Jason Bermas.

Jamie Dlux has a new video called Sleazy Lawyer that looks at the varied charges against Alan Dershowitz as well as Roman Polanski.

Late last month, the FBI Records Vault released declassified documents on “The Finders”. The documents reveal a rabbit hole regarding a U.S. intelligence cover-up of child sex abuse, ritual sacrifice, and much more concerning a cult called “The Finders.” David Zublick unseals the horrible truth in this special report!



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